Sunday, October 10, 2010

So Many Auditions!

-Little shop of Horrors: didn't make it into that one. It's being done at a local boy's school. The local girl's school has basically claimed it as their territory. So the four public school girls didn't make it in. Whatever.
-An Inspector Calls: The first play I've ever auditioned for. Not musical. Didn't make it in to that one either. But that's okay because there were only three girl parts. Same as the rest of the plays/ musical this year. Lame.
-All District Choir: Happened yesterday. Apparently I did really well, according to Mrs. Fritz, my choir teacher. She didn't specifically hear me, she was outside of the chour room, but she talked to the judges and they specifically mentioned me. I was excited about that. I'm not too concerned about getting into this. I just auditioned for fun. But I find out tomorrow or later today whether I made it in or not.
Fun, fun :)


Sandra said...

Congratulations!!! You got the pipes! I hope you have lots of fun in All District Choir. I love you.

Ronda said...

Yea! It seems like we do better when we aren't too worried about it. Hope you have a fun time in that choir.